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SerialMagic Keys iOS
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SerialMagic Pro & Gears/Keys Android
SerialMagic Keys Pro
SerialMagic Gears
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Our Testimonial

We use SerialMagic Keys Professional Android to connect with the HPR Lite Handheld PIT Tag Reader. SerialMagic Keys Professional is exceptionally easy to use. SerialMagic Keys Professional quickly and easily posts scan RFID tags to all apps that take keystrokes. Post many types of RFID tags: ISO 11784/11785 compliant FDX-B and HDX, FDX-B Fastag, FDX-B… Read more “HPR Lite Handheld PIT Tag Reader – Android”
Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid on iPad & iPhone is an unmatched data collection solution. Form-A-Feed uses this solution successfully for years. Serialio support has been unmatched by any supplier. The Support Team is super responsive, and the Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid solution always works. Mobile Grid is so reliable, when our Microsoft based solution fails, Serialio is… Read more “Unmatched Data Collection Solution – Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid”
The Toshiba Team spent months searching for the best electronic emergency headcount software for our large facilities. Toshiba needed emergency mustering Roll Call ensuring employees, visitors, and contractors are all safe and accounted for during an Emergency. Serialio was one of many companies we reached out to, and we’re so thankful we did! The Cloud-In-Hand… Read more “Emergency Headcount Software 1-Million-Square-Foot”
Our search for mobile order for sales reps and trade shows solution ended when we found Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Order. Mobile Order is a terrific application replacing our last ordering solution. We deployed to our outside sales staff and use it for our trade shows on iPads & iPhones. We were up and running in record… Read more “Mobile Order For Sales Reps and Trade Shows”
In 2019, we needed a reliable and cost-effective method of enabling RFID scans on a tablet for a custom RFID time clock application on Windows Surface Pro we developed. We were fortunate enough to find SerialMagic Professional and the idChamp® RFID Smart Card Badge Reader. Serialio assisted us with the software and hardware needed to… Read more “Enable RFID Scans On Windows Surface Pro For Time Clock Application”
University of Wyoming Vending Services has used the BlueSnap M6A Dex for vending machine service for vending machine DEX service for over two years. VendSys initially recommended we purchase the BlueSnap DEX Kit and we’re very happy we did. UW Vending has full-time, employees managing students who are route drivers. I can confidently say that… Read more “Vending Machine DEX Service With iPhone-Android-BlueSnap”
We take orders with iScanBrowser iOS with the PX20 wireless mobile 2D+1D barcode scanner. Our users quickly and reliably make orders are in our showroom with iScanBrowser on iPad Air devices. We like the speed and stability of the PX20 iScanBrowser in building orders fast and accurate. We have worked with for many years… Read more “iScanBrowser iOS Super-Fast & Reliable Order Taking”
With the ability to import laser measurements into any iOS app, SerialMagic Keys iOS has increased my workflow speed and accuracy tremendously. Thank you for making SerialMagic Keys work with BOSCH Laser Measure on iOS. SerialMagic Keys iOS has powerful features like unit conversions and formatting that posts the readings exactly as we want… Read more “BOSCH Laser Measure on iOS”
I just wanted to reach out and thank you. From the minute we completed the form for Serialio Software Developer program (SDP), you and your support team jumped right in. Your engineers were extremely responsive and were able to resolve our technical blocker (that had us stuck for many weeks) very quickly (in two days)… Read more “Software Developer Program (SDP) Got Us Results Quickly”
A remote Canadian mining site utilizes stratus-io, a part of the Cloud-In-Hand® Solution Framework, to track who is on-site at their facilities. Deployed in multiple locations, stratus-io is used in conjunction with our idChamp® NF4 Wireless Smart Card reader to read employee badges as they enter the facility. Check-ins are monitored by a guard stationed at… Read more “Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Attendance For Mining Company”