
The Power to Access Serial Devices Anywhere, On or Off the Internet!

Unmatched Speed and Functionality

A Visionary API - Backed By Expert Support

SerialPort was shipping over a full year before Sun Microsystems announced the first beta of javax.comm.SerialPort. The SerialPort package also provides javax.comm.SerialPort on more platforms than any company in the world. Use the superior SerialPort API directly, or use javax.comm.SerialPort. And it works with Java Web Start Technology (at last report Sun's implementation did not)

We won't leave you cold either; we provide examples complete with Java source code. Our JavaTerm program is a powerful serial tool that you can use on any platform supported by SerialPort.

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Elegant mobile database solutions providing global visibility for compliance, collaboration, and growth.

SerialPort is the worlds first, and still foremost Java product for serial ports. SerialPort provides highly flexible control of serial ports from your Java application.SerialPort is a high-performance class that also provides low-level serial port control. If your device plugs into a serial port - on or off the Internet - it is almost certain that you can use SerialPort to communicate with it.

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