
BOSCH Laser Measure on iOS

With the ability to import laser measurements into any iOS app, SerialMagic Keys iOS has increased my workflow speed and accuracy tremendously.

Thank you for making SerialMagic Keys work with BOSCH Laser Measure on iOS. SerialMagic Keys iOS has powerful features like unit conversions and formatting that posts the readings exactly as we want them.

SerialMagic Keys Ver supports the following BOSCH devices:
“Bosch GLM 50-27 C”
“Bosch GLM 50-27 CG”
“Bosch Blaze165-27C”
“Bosch Blaze165-27CG”
“Bosch GLM 150-27 C”
“Bosch GLM 100-25 C”
“Bosch GLM 120 C”
“Bosch GLM400C”
“Bosch GLM400CL”
“Bosch GLM 150 C”
“Bosch GLM CAM”