


Employee Incident Reporting App

Employee Incident Reporting App Employee incident reporting is and important a requirement at many companies. Additionally, the most common legacy systems provide a call-in phone number for incident reporting. Firstly, a call-in option goes to one phone number, and most commonly multiple people need to be notified. Secondly, for some indents like a break-in or active shooter, reporters don’t want to speak for their own safety.  Phone App For Emergency Incident Reports Use Stratus-io Remote Check-in App For emergency incident reporting. First employees report incidents with their phone. Next, multiple

Geofence Attendance | Property Maintenance Teams

Geofence Attendance | Manage Maintenance Teams You know the many challenges managing maintenance teams servicing multiple properties. Use geofence attendance to address these issues. Time costly – Manual sign-in time-consuming. Check-in/Check-out Failure – Service personnel forget (or fail) to check-in and or check-out leaving you without confirmation of the service. Buddy punching – Service personnel clock-in/out for friends.  Falsified Records – Service personnel enter false information for checkin/out. Falsified times (time theft) is costly to company and company morale suffers. Significant management time – Manual record-keeping is costly in time

iPhone Read Tiny NFC Tag?

How Does iPhone Read Tiny NFC Tags? | 4.5 x 1.8mm? First you have tiny NFC tags. Next you need to know how does iPhone read tiny NFC tags? This post shows two types of 4.5mm x 1.8mm PCB NFC tags you read with your iPhone. First read an NTAG213 (ISO-14443) type NFC tag with the iPhone Next read an SLIX (ISO-15963) type NFC tag with the iPhone Finally use apps like iScanBrowser, Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Grid, and NFC Read Write apps on iPhone to read tiny NFC tags iPhone NFC

Fast Visitor Checkin | Scan Drivers License Barcode

Fast Visitor Checkin | Avoid Tedious Typing Avoid error-prone, time-consuming visitor name typing, scan drivers license barcode for fast visitor checkin. First your Visitor Management Software (VMS) is friendly, easy-to-use and highly efficient. Second, it supports idChamp® RFID-NFC smart card badge readers, and barcode readers with your current infrastructure. Third, it supports Scanfob® barcode readers for fast visitor checkin using drivers license barcodes. Your visitors and staff avoid slow, error-prone, tedious typing of visitor names. Visitors with driver license having PDF417 barcode simply present this, the Scanfob® brand barcode reader

iOS Wireless DMM | RS232 Multi Meter On iPhone/iPad

iOS Wireless DMM – Connect RS-232 Meter To iPad/iPhone First you have a digital multi meter with an RS-232 port e.g. like the Protek 506. Next you want to post readings from the DMM to an iPhone and iPad as keystrokes for all apps. Do this with the BlueSnap M6A FAST wireless adapter with the caliper-meter firmware option +DTR and SerialMagic Keys.   Setup BlueSnap Parameters For DMM First determine the RS-232 communication parameters your meter, caliper, scale, uses: baudrate, databits, parity, etc. The Protek 506 uses 1200 baud, 7-databits,

Setup Geofence Location Cloud-In-Hand Stratus-io Remote Check-in

Setup Geofence Location For Location Based Check-in Check-out Setup geofence location. What is a geofence?A geofence is a specified boundary containing a location of interest, it may be a circle or polygon. First you need location based check-in check-out to know when people enter and leave a location. Next you want this done by people simply having their phones with them to act as check-in check-out badge. so they don’t need to tap-in or tap-out. Additionally you have a Cloud-In-Hand® Stratus-io Time & Attendance solution with the Remote Check-in app.

Laser Measurement Keystrokes | Find Room Area Fast

Get Room Area In Seconds | Laser Measurement Keystrokes First need room area measurements, and want to post as keystrokes to any iPad/iPhone app. Next you have just seconds, see your solution here, tap once, press laser measure twice, done. Additionally you get 100% accurate laser measurement keystrokes with no technical skill needed. Finally this post expects In-App Purchase for Advanced Posting Mode and Laser Measurer Support are purchased. Supported Laser Measurer Models Some models supported for laser measurement keystrokes are BOSCH GLM & Blaze models below, and Leica DISTO E7100i.

Wireless Magstripe Reader | Android, iOS, Windows, macOS​

Wireless Magstripe Reader | Android, iOS, Windows, macOS First, a wireless magstripe reader is valuable, not an outdated technology. Second since introduction of magstripe cards in 1960’s they continue as a valuable option. Third, their value persists in-spite of their long predicted demise due to NFC. Next this blog shows  UnitedHealthCare Ucard using magstripe cards for 2025. Barcodes were used in 2024, replaced with  magswipe: Inexpensive compared to NFC Carry more information than barcodes Smart phone camera’s can’t read them  Send over 100 characters in less than a second Finally

Magstripe Reader Ucard | Cabled Windows, macOS, Android​

Magstripe Reader Ucard | Cabled Windows, macOS, Android​ First you say: Magstripe Reader Ucard must be a myth – magstripe cards are ancient technology, why use them for solutions?  Then you see how their value persists in-spite of their long predicted demise  with QRcodes, NFC, and other technologies. Next you see UnitedHealthCare Ucard using magstripe cards for 2025 when barcodes were used in 2024. Additionally you see how inexpensive magswipe cards are (compare NFC) and how much information they store (compare barcodes). Finally see posting magstripe information via cable and

TEXT During Emergency | Group And Targeted SMS Headcount

Send SMS / TEXT During Emergency Headcount First you connect to Cloud-In-Hand® Stratus-io Time & Attendance account that has Emergency Headcount SMS option. Second you create the emergency event using the admin login with a browser, or Stratus-io app user login. Note the user login device must have permission to create the emergency event. Third start your emergency by selecting the type (fire, tornado, active-shooter, etc) from drop-down or entering your emergency name. Note before doing selected TEXT / SMS the Stratus-io app setting App-Direct SMS Reply Number, must be

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