


Destron Fearing Global Pocket Reader (GPR+) and Universal Worldscan Reader (UWSR+) on iOS

Destron Fearing Global Pocket Reader™ Plus (GPR+) and Universal Worldscan™ Reader Plus”Are now supported on iOS apps: iScanBrowser, iScanBrowser Pro, SerialMagic Keys, Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Grid. Scan pet and livestock tags into all iOS apps that accept keyboard entry, for use powerful mobile livestock solutions on iOS & Android. You can click link for step-by-step connecting of GPR+ or UWSR+ 125kHz and 134.2kHz RFID reader to iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Worlds First LLRP Solution for Android Gets Better developed the first LLRP Solution for Android in 2013.Now the LLRP feature has been added to the Serial Device Manager (SDM) so it’s available on apps like Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid, and iScanBrowser. Use your high-power fixed RFID readers with your mobile Android devices (contact us about iOS) with ease for asset tracking, inventory, attendance and more.

New Check out the Changes We’ve Made

Serialio has supplied elegant RFID/NFC solutions to businesses around the World.Now it’s time to present those elegant solutions a little bit more elegantly. Presenting the New and Buy Serialio Our new shopping experience feels smoother from beginning to end making it easier for you to find the solution you’re looking for.To enjoy the new shopping experience, follow the steps listed below: 1. Go to buy.serialio.com2. Create an account and password.3. Save shipping and payment options.4. Find a Solution for you! With the new means out with the old.

HIMSS 18 Recap: Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society with Serialio

Serialio had the opportunity to present a solution platform to Healthcare Institutes around the USA through HIMSS18.With our partners at RFIDeas, we brought our idChamp® RS3 and Cloud-in-Hand® Mobile Attendance. The benefits of our platforms allow companies to save money while working faster and safer. Serialio’s Solution Check out our presentation at HIMSS18:

Moving Fast With Accuracy: Using IScanBrowser to Get The Most Out of Your Web Applications

Working quickly is a key part to most of our everyday lives.Deadlines upon deadlines fill our calendars with demands of working quickly.However, with speed comes the risk of inaccuracy.When using mobile businesses processes, you can run into this risk as well.So how can we utilize the power of mobile web apps and at the same time reduce the risk of bad data-entry? Serialio’s iScanBrowser is here to save you time and lower risk. Serialio’s Serial Device Manager The Serial Device Manager serves as a middle man.It provides integrated connectivity for

Integration:’s Serial Device Manager (SDM)

According to the dictionary, to integrate means to combine (one thing) with another so they become a whole.You can infer from that definition that if you fail to integrate you do not have a whole, instead you have… a hole.Bad puns aside, many businesses find it hard to integrate.Whether it be new devices or new personnel, businesses often struggle to create that whole. So how can we integrate devices into our businesses? The Rise of Mobile and Bluetooth Business and business systems are constantly moving to mobile.Taking business to mobile


Come check us out! Serialio has teamed up with RFIDeas to bring healthcare solutions to your company!Stop by Booth #3265 to get a personal demo on how Serialio can help you!Before coming by, fill out this form ahead of time:

Finding Pencils: Using RFID for Asset Management

Every school started the same for me.We would go shopping the week before school start for new binders, paper, pens, and pencils (with an occasional new backpack!)The school year would start and by October I was asking my friends to lend me their pencils.It seems that the 10-year-old version of myself couldn’t keep track of school supplies.But, some things never change. Asset Management can be a hassle and can drill a hole in companies’ pockets. Asset Tracking Problems Let’s face it, everyone is human and forgets things.However, through this negligence

Clone: Using the Same Solution at Mulitple Points

Every since I was young, I always though about the idea of having a clone of myself.I could send my clone to school while I played video games all day.And now that I am grown up, my problems have only multiplied.Businesses everywhere face multiple problems on a daily basis.One is taking attendance of who and where people are. But, how can we solve the same attendance problem that we face at multiple fronts? An integrated solution is what we need. Attendance Problems in Business One major metropolitan children’s hospital needed

Unplugged: Using Wireless to DEX Without Cables

DEX vending machines and DSD routes with smartphones. THOUSANDS in daily use. But why are you still using big clunky wires to collect DEX Data What is DEX Data? DEX(protocol) is a format for collecting audit and event data from vending machines.This protocol was created in the late 1980s and was quickly made a norm in the vending machine industry.DEX records data that help improve the auditing process, such as cash in/out and product movement.However, to get this data, you have to open the machine and a long wire must

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