


iScanBrowser Increases UHF EPC RFID Tag Post Efficiency 10x

UHF-RFID readers typically scan EPC tags very fast. Suppose you have a website and want to expedite EPC read processing. The UHF reader will typically return each EPC code as single transaction thereby requiring a website submit transaction for every EPC. This process is inefficient as typical HTTP submit can easily take 0.5 seconds.►Powerful iScanBrowser controls “Merge tags data” and “Merge tags data separator” provide capability for a single web submit transaction to contain many EPC tag values read by the UHF reader (separated by character of choice, like COMMA,

Eliminate Data Entry Errors

Accuracy in data entry could be one of the most important tasks anyone does within a business. Eliminate Data Entry Errors & Improve Speed. Fast ROI drives sales, marketing, accounting, and every aspect of your business. In an AIIM study in 2014, 68% of businesses believed that “business-at-the-speed-of-paper” is unacceptable and almost half stated that removing paper from most of their business processes has been the single, most effective improvement to productivity. Even though data entry is of the utmost importance, many businesses are still manually entering data. However, this

Webapp Scan Posting

iScanBrowser Automates Webapp Scan Posting – RFID, NFC, Barcodes, and More You use iScanBrowser to automate Webapp Scan Posting – post data to any web page and increase efficiency. Post data types like RFID, NFC, Barcode, Scale, Sensor, Caliper, and more. Are you tired of the infamous tap, tap, tap sound when entering data? You spend too much of your life doing the constant and boring tapping to enter data. Make a ‘hands free’ webapp you never thought possible. Web Form Rules automates data to the exact field(s) on your

SDM Library Available for Ionic Framework – Android

Serial Device Manager (SDM) Library is now Available for the Ionic Framework when running on Android. Ionic framework builds on top of Cordova. Apache Cordova packages an HTML5 app as a native app. This app then runs on the native platform such as Android. SDM Library now allows Ionic apps to communicate with RFID, NFC, Barcode scanners, scales, sensors. Using SDM, Ionic apps can easily connect to Scanfob® brand scanners, idChamp® brand scanners, BlueSnap wireless RS232 devices, and more.

iScanBrowser Web Form Rules (WFR) Download from Mobile Cloud

iScanBrowser supports downloading Web Form Rules (WFR) from Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Cloud account making WFR distribution fast and easy. Faster than using WFR wizard, and eliminates need for tedious WFR manual entry. Contact solutions advisor for details.

Cloud-in-Hand® Mobile Timeclock Solution

How does Mobile Grid Timeclock Solution work for your business? Your business employees are on-time and productive? If not, as you know they need to be.This means employees need to be on time to work and allocate their working hours correctly.How does HR track all of that data?Timeclock Management is a problem that every business faces. Check out this simple solution! Mobile Grid Timeclock Since 2013 Cloud-in-Hand® Mobile Timeclock Solution uses the Mobile Grid app. This scalable solution is tailored to your business, to improve your business workflow.The Timeclock Management

Automatic Button Tap After RFID-NFC Scan With iScanBrowser WFR

Suppose you want to automatically click a button on a webpage after scanning an RFID-NFC tag, barcode scan, scale reading, or some sensor measurement being posted to a field on the page. iScanBrowser Web Form Rules (WFR) technology has provided this feature since the days of the iPhone 3. It’s now easier to setup this feature with an updated WFR wizard allowing the target button to be simply tapped during the WFR setup.

Tru-Test SRS2/XRS2 Stick Reader Support in SDM

Serial Device Manager (SDM) now supports Tru-Test SRS2/XRS2 Stick Reader. Use Tru-Test RFID readers with iOS and Android apps like SerialMagic Keys, iScanBrowser, and Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid, or use the SDM in your own 3rd party apps. With SerialMagic Keys Tru-Test reader can post RFID tag reads as keystrokes to all iOS & Android apps e.g. like FileMaker Go.

Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid LLRP for UHF Tags

When at the grocery store checkout all the beeping can be annoying. Eliminate this with Mobile Grid LLRPI was never a person that was good at waiting in lines, especially when I’m in a hurry.What if there was a way to scan all of my goods at one time?That would probably be powerful scanner.How to handle when it scans someone else’s cart near mine?Filter out just my cart content and scan it in a second?Those who use RFID for asset tracking probably feel the same way.Well, Serialio makes this possible.

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