iScanBrowser Automates Webapp Scan Posting - RFID, NFC, Barcodes, and More
You use iScanBrowser to automate Webapp Scan Posting – post data to any web page and increase efficiency. Post data types like RFID, NFC, Barcode, Scale, Sensor, Caliper, and more. Are you tired of the infamous tap, tap, tap sound when entering data?
You spend too much of your life doing the constant and boring tapping to enter data. Make a ‘hands free’ webapp you never thought possible. Web Form Rules automates data to the exact field(s) on your web page(s). Further more, all without ever tapping on the field to get cursor focus.
iScanBrowser Web Form Rules (WFR) Technology
Your iPhone 3 was the hot ticket item in 2007 and iScanBrowser has been speeding data input since then. Maybe, you don’t know this, now you do. Begin your path to efficiency today. Use Web Form Rule Technology to simplify your data input.
First you use WFRs to automate search query field data entry, simulating taps on the “Enter” and “Submit” buttons.
Next, you automate mobile data entry by simulating what’s known as a WFR “Call Submit” option.
Finally, you say ‘this sounds complicated and technical!’ Don’t worry, there are default WFRs you simply pick and use.
Automate RFID, Barcode, Scale, Sensor Actions
To get your desired actions when as you read RFID tags, scan barcodes, and measure weights with scales. You simply pressing one button.
You get the expert services and support you need from speeding your productivity faster than you thought possible.
Get your own branded app with WFR technology built in? Call us and we’ll get you the solution you need.
Proven Success since 2007
You say, ‘this is too good to be true’, how can it give a solution for my unique needs?
We make you a tailored app with iScanBrowser. Consider one customer using iScanBrowser to daily, tracking cart chains movements in their flower operation. Car chains are many carts tied together to simplify product movement. Carts move, past the idChamp RFID reader that sends readings to the Android tablet, running iScanBrowser (iSB). iSB has custom Web Form Rule that instantly filters and posts RFID cart identifiers to the backend database. Users never tap a single time. Contact today.