

Mining Site Safety Compliance

How does the 2nd largest major mining company in North America manage their on-site personnel?Using idhamp® RFID readers to facilitate mining site safety compliance at the 2nd largest mining company in North America. Why Tracking On-Site Personnel Is Important Knowing your employees locations is important for their safety. Additionally your contractors, visitors and guests also appreciate your concern for their safety. Finally your government likely requires mining site safety compliance of your personnel management system. Multi-Site Mining Personnel Management Problem How do you rate your company’s mining site personnel management?Your

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Geolocation Attendance Automatic Checkin/Checkout

You use Geolocation attendance for automatic check-in and checkout personnel at any location using stratus-io: Remote Check-In. First you create geofences (geolocations) in any number of places. Then personnel automatically check-in and out as they enter/leave the defined geographic location. Finally you have accurate incident reporting with automatic check-in. See your group on-site check-in, check-out, and resource auditing.  First, see your custom geofences in the stratus-io app on an Android or iOS devices. Third, users get push notifications immediately as they enter the geofence alerting them of check-in. Thirdly, once

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Mobile Order iPad Streamlines Wholesale Distribution for Imports

For over 40 years we at Molisana Imports have been successful delivering streamlined wholesale distribution of Italian brand imports to our customers in Canada. Our Molisana team achieves this using an array of expertise along with owned and partner warehouses and logistical capabilities. In addition, we efficiently manage the demands of suppliers, retailers and most importantly our consumers. One of our key goals is providing the best service and product availability at a competitive price nationally. About our Sales Team Molisana Imports has field sales representatives throughout Canada servicing many

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RFID Badge & Smartphone Credential Attendance Management Kiosk

stratus-io Time and Attendance by Cloud-In-Hand Solutions Framework with the idChamp® NF4 RFID-NFC reader provides unmatched flexibility and convenience to read every type of RFID employee ID badge credential in common use (and many not so common) for attendance, training, meetings, and emergency evacuations. The Lillitab desktop kiosk shown in this video provides a convenient secure kiosk form factor (locked with a physical key) for unattended operations. Floor stand and wall-mount options are also available. Kiosks can support many Android and iOS devices. Cloud-In-Hand Solutions Framework can also provide soft

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Smartphone Wallet Attendance Check-in

Why Smartphone Wallet Attendance Check-in You do smartphone wallet attendance check-in with secure credential stored in smartphone’s wallet. Your credential is stored in your Apple Wallet when you have an iPhone. You check-in to your meeting or event using your iPhone or Apple Watch. Your unique credential is securely stored in the smartphone wallet then you don’t carry your physical employee badge to check-in. Check-in for your meeting, class, and membership, use for tool and equipment check-out, everything your badge can do, your phone can do with soft credential stored

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What is the SDM (Serial Device Manager)?

Serial Device Manager (SDM) (sometimes referred to as “device manager”). The Serial Device Manager is a Software Developer Library providing applications for Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS providing 3rd party apps to connect to and manage multiple wireless, Bluetooth, and cabled devices. Most of the time, when you see “SDM” in the documentation. The user interface for the SDM on Android is different from the user interface on iOS, but both implementations of the SDM offer similar core features.   Interested in our SDM? Click here for our libraries.

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What is your support policy?

Requesting Support Serialio Customer Support Engineers (CSEs) are available between 9:00am – 5:00pm Central Time Monday-Friday. Customers can submit a support request for products under warranty via these two methods: Fill out the “Submit a request” form. Send an email to Either method will generate a numbered ticket in our Support database.Requests submitted in this manner will ensure the appropriate Serialio Customer Support Engineer responds in a timely manner. Customers can typically expect an initial response within 2 business days after creating a support case. The time to discover

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No Tap Check-in with RFID

How No Tap Check-in Works with UHF-RFID Use Cloud-In-Hand® stratus-io Time & Attendance to do no tap check-in with RFID. You instantly see the person who’s checking in on iPad, iPhone, Android phone, tablet, or Windows 11 PC. Use your standard sized employee badge with UHF-RFID or get more distance with a larger badge or enhanced reader. You use the idChamp Ultra-5109 reader model shown in the video below, your people easily check-in from a distance from 6 feet (2 meters). You want closer check-in for security or other reasons? No problem,

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Best iPad Check-in Kiosk Fast, Easy, Flexible

Looking for the Best iPad Check-in Kiosk Are you looking for the best iPad check-in kiosk? With stratus-io Time & Attendance you have fast, easy-to-use and flexible check-in solutions. First, you can use your iPad (or iPhone). Second, if you prefer Android tablets or phones, this also works. Finally, you may have Windows tablets or PCs you want to use, no problem. Stratus-io Time & Attendance gives you kiosk and mobile modes. Use Current Employee Badges Use idChamp® and Scanfob® brand RFID-NFC readers with your organization’s current employee badges. No

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iPad Visitor Badge Printing and Check-in

Badge Printing Is Needed Visitor and guest badge printing is often overlooked, but you quickly find how important it is. First you increase security of your organization with proper badging. Use  your iPad visitor badge printing kiosk to quickly identify your guests. Here you see check-in using Brother QL-820NWB Professional, ultra-flexible label printer. Second you create badges quickly on-the-fly at your check-in station. Alternately, print badges out ahead of time with all of the required information for your visitors. Scan Visitor Drivers License Barcode Saves Time For Visitor Check-in First

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