
Android Cabled RFID Attendance Kiosk

Android Cabled RFID Attendance Kiosk - Wireless Unauthorized

First use the Android cabled RFID-NFC attendance kiosk when hard connections are desired. Second, wireless connections are not allowed some sensitive environments. In both cases, use a cabled RFID reader like the idChamp® brand NF2 NFC badge/tag reader shown here.

Android cabled RFID  attendance kiosk idChamp NF2

Attendance Kiosk For Fast NFC-RFID Check-in

First launch Stratus-io Time & Attendance app on Android. Second, enter the credentials associated with your Stratus-io Time and Attendance account. Third, connect the idChamp® NF2 NFC cabled reader in the app Serial Device Manager. Fourth, select the event for your meeting, training, headcount, etc., or setup your event schedule for automatic operation. Note: The cabled NF2 on the Android cabled RFID-NFC attendance kiosk is powered by the Android USB port. 

Check-in With Badges, Wristbands, Key Fobs, And More

Attendees tap their wristband, badge, key fob, or other credential to the RFID-NFC kiosk reader and are instantly checked-in. Additionally, when your roster includes pictures, departments and other information, this is displayed as attendees check-in. Contact to discuss your RFID-NFC tag needs, thousands of options exist.

Use Multiple Android Cabled RFID Attendance Kiosks Simultaneously

Often your meeting uses just one attendance kiosk, but sometimes you have big events. Next, during big events, you add more attendance kiosk readers, all kiosk work together as one. Additionally your meeting organizer / administrator sets up quorum alerts* for events that require a quorum for certain actions. As the attendee level passes the required quorum threshold the meeting organizer is instantly notified. You don’t pass papers around to validate the quorum. *quorum alerts are an optional add-on for Stratus-in Time & Attendance.

Optional Offender List Checking

Additionally, use the optional screen national offender database screening option for your event or meeting to insure the safety concerns of all attendees. Using this option you have confidence the people in your event are safe. Your Android Cabled RFID Attendance kiosk does more than just take attendance!