Fast Emergency Headcount With Badge & Without
You perform very fast Emergency Headcount with badge & without. During your emergency, RFID badge check-in is fast, and convenient, yet people will forget their badges. You use Cloud-In-Hand Stratus-io Emergency Headcount for fast check-in with RFID/Barcode badges and without. For example use the idChamp® NF4x Wireless Smart Card Reader to scan employee/member badges.
Rally Point / Mustering Captains Get Help With Images
First, your emergency headcount/mustering needs to be fast. Secondly, you know in the emergency, people may overlook procedures, and forget their badge. Thirdly, you want users to be able to check-in easily and securely at the rally point, with whatever credentials they may have. Finally, you know that no matter what people forget in an emergency, they will still arrive at the rally point with their person. You mark people safe during the emergency, i.e. check them in using many methods. In the picture below, you see the Stratus-io Emergency Headcount roster view showing peoples pictures, so rally point captains can tap people they see who may not have a badge, and check them in very fast.
Rally Point Captains check-in people without badges with simple tap on picture(s) then tap check-in.
Flexible Emergency Headcount Supports Chcek-in Many Ways
First, above you see how Rally Point Captains manually check in people who forgot their badges. Second, people with badges, scan in quickly using the RFID or barcode badge. Third, with the SMS/TEXT check-in option, people check themselves in from their phone. Forth, with the Remote Check-in app option, people check-in with the app on their phone. Finally, The idChamp® RS4x offers support for all HID Mobile Access® solutions including employee badge and Student ID in Apple Wallet.
Setup a call or demo today to discuss you flexible and fast emergency headcount.