
Using the IceKey HF in Keyboard Mode on Windows

To use the IceKey HF with SerialMagic for keyboard emulation follow the steps below.

Download and install SerialMagic Professional from our downloads page. Be sure to select the link for the correct Windows version.

1. Add the IceKey HF 

Plug your IceKey HF reader into the PC.

When you open SerialMagic you will be prompted with the device wizard. Select Cabled connection and choose IceKey HF as the scanner type.

Click Next.

Select the COM port assigned to your IceKey HF reader.

Click Next.

Select Like a keyboard… for how the scanner will be used.

Click Next.

Complete the setup with the default settings. Click Finish to save the configuration.

Click OK on the overview screen to be taken back to the main SerialMagic Professional screen.

2. Start SerialMagic

Click Start in SerialMagic to intiate the connection with the scanner. You can now scan HF tags into any field that accepts keyboard input.

Note: The IceKey HF reader is in constant read mode, meaning it will read any tag within range. You will see a flashing amber LED when SerialMagic Professional is started and the reader is ready to read tags.