
How to submit a log for SerialMagic Professional for Mac OS X

If you are having problems with SerialMagic Professional for Mac, please contact the Serialio support team.

  • Include the following information:
  • SerialMagic Professional version number (e.g. “”)
  • OS X version (e.g. “OS X 10.11”)
  • Order number
  • Device/scanner model (e.g. “Scanfob 2006”)
  • Your use case-scenario (e.g. “data is sent into a spreadsheet”)

Configure SerialMagic to Log to a File

1. Launch SerialMagic Professional.
2. Click on the tab labeled “Log.”
3. Make sure that “Enable logging” is checked.
4. Select “Log to text file.”
5. Click on “Change File Name.”
6. Navigate to a location that you will be able to access easily later.
7. Name the log file something like, “SerialMagicPro-Mac-Log.”
8. Click “Save.”

Reproduce the Issue

1. Go through the steps you made when the error or issue occurred before you cleared the log file.
2. Once you have reproduced the error/issue, continue to the “Send the Log” section of this article.

Send the Log

1. Navigate to the location you saved the log file to in the first section of this article.
2. Open a ticket and attach the text file.