This support article provides instructions on how to use SerialMagic Professional for Windows to configure your Scanfob brand scanner via a cabled connection. For this example, we used the Scanfob Ultra-BB2.
Add A New Connection
1. Plug your Scanfob BB2 into your Windows computer with a USB to micro USB cable.
2. Download and install SerialMagic Professional for Windows, if you have not already done so.
3. Launch SerialMagic Professional.
4. If SerialMagic doesn’t automatically begin the process of adding a connection for you, click on “Add.”
5. Select “Cabled Connection.”
6. Select the image of your Scanfob.
7. Next, select the COM port that Windows assigned to your Scanfob.
8. Select how you want the Scanfob to enter data. If you are only using SerialMagic Professional for configuring your Scanfob, this is not important. For this tutorial, we selected “Like a keyboard…“
9. On the next screen, you can select the tag type (if your Scanfob is an RFID/NFC reader) and enable/disable “Constant Read Mode.”
10. You should see a message stating that “Input device was setup successfully.” Click “Finish.”
Start Your Connection
1. SerialMagic Professional will automatically background itself. Click on the SerialMagic Pro icon on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Click “Start.”
3. After a few moments, SerialMagic Professional will let you know that the scanner’s setup was successful. Click “OK.”
Configure Your Scanfob’s Settings
1. SerialMagic Professional will likely be backgrounded from the last section of this tutorial. Click on its icon on the Windows Task Bar.
2. The main window should look like the image below.
3. Click on “Tools.”
4. Click on “Scanner Settings.”
5. SerialMagic Professional will take a moment or two to pull your Scanfob’s settings.
6. Once your Scanfob’s settings are loaded, you will see the “Scanner Settings” window.
7. After you’ve configured the settings for your workflow, click “Apply.”
8. SerialMagic Professional will take a moment to write the new settings to your Scanfob.