
Medical Device Consignment Orders On iPad

Write Medical Device Consignment Orders On iOS

Make medical device consignment orders on your iPad with the Medinven app. Add items to your consignment orders as fast as you can point the Scanfob® brand scanner and press the scan button. Your Scanfob® wireless HIBC scanner makes adding items super fast and convenient. You also add items manually to consignment orders when you prefer, or your scanner is unavailable. When you find it more convenient to write to consignment orders on your iPhone, Medinven has you covered.

Medinven iPad Consignment Options

You perform many medical device consignment tasks with Medinven:

New consignment orders: Assign items for your accounts, who don’t have current consignments

Cycle count : Make a report for items consigned to a customer account

Increase : Assign more items for accounts that already have consignments

Swap : Make consigned product swap transactions with same quantity within same product groups

Size Swap : Make transactions to swap consigned items within the same product groups with equal quantities 

Cons Return : Return items from an account with consigned products

More Than Just Medical Device Consignment Orders

With Medinven on your iPad/iPhone you also do other medical inventory tasks like: Trunk, No Charge, Evaluation, and inventory movements.

  • Cycle count : Report consigned items for Sales Rep accounts
  • Sale : Create new sales order for accounts
  • Eval : Create evaluation orders for accounts
  • Barter : Exchange items between the Sales Rep and the hospital
  • Demo : Create an order without an account
  • Trunk Return : Sales Rep creates return transactions of consigned items 
  • Rep To Rep : Transactions for moving items between Sales Reps
  • No Charge Order : Make ‘no charge order’ for items to accounts
  • Sample to Sale : Scan items to create a ‘sample to sale’ transaction of items to accounts
  • NCH Return : Scan items to create ‘No Charge Return’ transactions of items to accounts
  • NCH To Trunk : Scan items to create ‘No Charge To Trunk’ transaction of items to accounts
  • Evaluation Orders : Scan LOT numbers of items on accounts for evaluation orders
  • Evaluation to Sale : Scan LOT numbers of items on accounts for ‘evaluation to Sale’ transactions
  • Evaluation Return : Scan LOT numbers of items on accounts for ‘evaluation return’ transactions
  • Inv Movements : Move consigned items from source to destination accounts
  • Owned Inv Returns : Make returns for accounts with required return reason (Return reasons are managed on Medinven manager account)

Scanfob® HIBC Barcode Scanner Is Unmatched

Use Medinven for medical device consignment orders using Scanfob® PX20 HIBC Barcode Scanner.  Contact for your customized Medinven iPad mobile medical inventory solution. See how fast you can make medical device consignment orders in the video below.

When you upload the consignment order transaction, it  shows up immediately to the location(s) you specify, here is an example:

Medinven Fast Medical Device Consignment Order Transaction on iPad