You want to save the idChamp RS3x RFID reader NFC profile configuration settings to load on another RS3x.
First load the RS3 NFC Setup App to your Android device. You can get this app on Google Play.
Open the RS3 NFC Setup app and use menu, then Select Device, and select the RS3 to connect the RFID reader.
After connected, you select NFC2, NFC3, NFC4 from the app drop-down. After each selection wait for the reading of each profile to complete before you select the next one.
Finally, tap menu and select “Save to hwg+ file” option, and you can set the name for the settings file, or accept the default.
The video below shows you how this works to save RS3x settings to a file.
idChamp RS3x or RS3-HSE Models HID Keyboard Mode
Note if you have an older model RS3-HSE reader, and it’s setup for keyboard mode. You must change RS3 DIP switches to BLE mode before RS3 NFC Setup can be used to save RS3x settings to a file. If you have an RS3x in HID keyboard mode, you must use yACK FAST app to change the reader to FAST mode.