
Connect PX20 Wireless Scanner To Stratus-io

Connect PX20 Wireless Barcode Scanner To Stratus-io iOS

To connect the Scanfob® PX20 wireless 2D+1D barcode scanner, first insure the PX20 is charged. The LEDs around the buttons will be green when PX20 is fully charged. When not charged, you can still connect barcode reader wirelessly to iPad/iPhone with the scanner USB communications disabled.

Power On Scanfob® PX20 2D Reader Wireless Bluetooth

Scanfob PX20 Dash Button press to power on bluetooth wirelessPress-and-hold the ‘dash button’ for about 6 seconds until you hear a beep. Next you’ll see the LEDs on the sides of the buttons begin blinking, this signifies the barcode reader wireless is on. Note when the scanner beep is disabled, you’ll only see the LEDs on the sides of the buttons blinking. Finally you can enable the scanner beeper when it’s disabled using the control barcode on the PX20 quick start guide.


Open Stratus-io App Serial Device Manager (SDM) View

Now open Stratus-io app Serial Device Manager (SDM) view. First launch Stratus-io app then tap SDM on the lower-right of the app.

stratus-io time and attendance SDM Serial Device Manager

Next you see the Scanfob® in FOUND DEVICES section of SDM, tap on the Scanfob® PX20 name to wirelessly connect.

Scanfob PX20 wireless 2D Barcode Reader Found Devices

Finally you’ll see the Scanfob® PX20 in CONNECTED DEVICES, and the SDM will automatically close shortly after.

Scanfob PX20 fast wireless 2D Barcode Reader Connected iPhone iPad

Automatic Reconnect For Scanfob® PX20 To Stratus-io App

After you connect Scanfob® PX20 barcode reader To Stratus-io the SDM remembers the device. Next time you use the same PX20 with Status-io on the same iPhone/iPad: First you simply power it on. Second Straus-io will connect to it.

Scanfob PX20 Automatically Reconnected iOS iPad iPhone

Now you decide to disable the auto-reconnect option for the Scanfob® PX20. You have two options to do this. First open the SDM, you will see “Reconnect last devices”, disable this option.

stratus io SDM Reconnect last devices

Second you can remove the Scanfob® PX20 from the SDM list of Saved devices. Tap on “Saved devices” 

stratus io SDM Saved Devices List

Next tap the remove icon to the left of the device you want to have the SDM forget, then tap Delete.

stratus io SDM remove PX20 from saved devices