Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Order iPad - Since 2011
Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Order iPad (formerly Order-In-Hand® Mobile Order) was first published on the Appstore for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch in 2011. Mobile Order is the first mobile order app designed from the ground as ‘scanner centric’ and off-line capable. Sales reps use Mobile Order and Scanfob® brand companion scanner long before the iPad or iPhone camera could scan barcodes. Get Mobile Order iPad from the Appstore.
Unmatched Ease-Of-Use and Mobile Order Writing Speed
Use Your Data Your Way
- Supports many features to make order writing more efficient than ever. Assign customer lists to sales people, custom pricing for each customer, default quantities by pack size, images, and more.
- Load your data using simple Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.
- Supports pictures and there is no limit to the amount of product and customer information that can be provided making order writing for sales people more informed and powerful than ever.
- Write credit orders to give credits on-the-spot.
- Supports catalog mode so sales people can rapidly show customers product options to increase order size.
- Sale Reps use pricing that applies to their customers with profiled pricing options
- Print orders with AirPrint
Field Proven For Over A Decade By Many Companies
Mobile Order writing has been done by companies since before the iPad was released. In 2008 Serialio provided wireless barcode scanner based order writing on the BlackBerry. The mobile order solution continued to grow in ease-of-use and flexibility on Pocket PC, Palm Treo, Android, then iPhone. Contact Serialio for a Demo. Start your Sales Reps writing orders on your iPads and iPhones today. Unmatched order taking in the field, and at trade shows.
Fast Sales Rep And Trade Show Order Taking
Reps also use current versions of iPad, iPhone, and Android, as well as current scanners like Scanfob PX20 barcode scanner. Reps take orders fast, they just scan the item ID or UPC and enter quantity. Customers are easily selected, there is also a mode where Reps can enter customer info when you don’t want the list available. You have confidence knowing Mobile Order started on devices that were modern long ago, and works even better today.
Unmatched Mobile App Innovation For Decades
Mobile Order technology originated years before the iPad was released. Serialio was first in the world to connect a wireless barcode scanner to the iPhone 3GS with it’s innovative WiSnap-BlueSnap Bridge. In 2004 Serialio connected a wireless barcode scanner to the Palm Treo with SerialMagic technology. Serialio was also first to connect wireless companion scanners to BlackBerry and Symbian mobile devices. In the 1990’s Serialio provided the worlds first barcode companion scanner based ordering solution on Pocket PC.