
SerialMagic Keys iOS Active | SerialMagic Keys As Active Keyboard

SerialMagic Keys iOS Active | Post Data As Keystrokes

First set SerialMagic Keys iOS as active keyboard on iPhone / iPad. Next set SerialMagic Keys as the active keyboard, Finally post readings from RFID, NFC, Barcode, Scale, Caliper, Sensor devices & more ask keystrokes to all iOS apps.

Load SerialMagic Keys iOS From Appstore or Push With MDM

First load SerialMagic Keys iOS from Appstore or if you are setup to allow it, push via MDM (Mobile Device Manager). Second launch SerialMagic Keys and open iOS Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards. Third add the SerialMagic Keys keyboard using “Add New Keyboard…” then tap “SerialMagicKeys”.

iOS General Keyboard Keyboards Add Keyboard

iOS Third Party Keyboard SerialMagic Keys


Forth see “Keyboard – SerialMagicKeys” it in keyboards list:

iOS General Keyboard Keyboards

Finally tap SerialMagicKeys, then tap Allow Full Access:

iOS General Keyboard Keyboards SerialMagic Keys Allow Full Access


Open SerialMagic Keys iOS App & Connect Wireless Device

First open SerialMagic Keys app and approve wireless connectivity and other permissions needed, then tap Devices in upper-right:

SerialMagic Keys Main View v2.0.0.2

Second power on your supported wireless device and see it in FOUND DEVICES: 

SerialMagic Keys iPhone SDM Found Devices idChamp RFID

Third tap on it and see it in CONNECTED DEVICES:

SerialMagic Keys iPhone SDM Connected idChamp RFID

Finally tap Done.

Select SerialMagic Keys As Active iOS Keyboard

First on SerialMagic Keys main view tap Demo in upper-left. Second see the iOS default keyboard and the globe icon below it, tap-and-hold this icon to change the active keyboard.

SerialMagic Keys Demo View Arrow To Keyboard Select

Third as you tap-and-hold on the active keyboard select icon, see SerialMagic Keys and tap it.

iOS globe icon tap and hold active keyboard select SerialMagic Keys


Verify Wireless Device Posting in SerialMagic Keys Demo

First know by design iOS prevents 3rd Party Keyboards to maintain wireless connection in the background. Second when you bring up iOS keyboard mode with SerialMagic Keys active, it will connect quickly to the selected device. Third when using Serialio devices with FAST wireless protocol this happens very quickly. The wireless status icon shows when SerialMagic Keys is connected to wireless device(s).

SerialMagic Keys Letters Wireless Icon Shows Connected

Tap the wireless icon and see details about wireless device(s) connected, multiple wireless devices can connect simultaneously. 

SerialMagic Keys Wireless Devices View idChamp RFID Connected

Finally put the cursor in the field and trigger data sending from your RFID, Barcode, Scale, Caliper, etc. and see it posted.

SerialMagic Keys Demo Wireless RFID Data Posted iOS

Post Your Data As Keystrokes To All iOS Apps

You post RFID, barcode, scale, caliper, & other data as keystrokes to cursor location on all iOS apps. Also note that iOS prevents 3rd Party Keyboards from use in password fields. Finally know when SerialMagic Keys is not the active iOS keyboard, simply select it using the keyboard selector as shown above. Contact Serialio for all your mobile data handling needs.