iScanBrowser Web Form Rules (iOS)
iScanBrowser Web Form Rules on iPad/iPhone automate data posting from anywhere. Post RFID (UHF, and NFC) , Barcodes, Scales, Sensors, Calipers, iOS Built-in NFC, to any field on any webpage. No tapping to get focus is required.
Web Form Rules (WFR) Summary:
First, Web Form Rules are divided into two categories; Active Page Rules and New Page Rules.
- Active Page Rules send data from the scanner to the currently loaded web page.
- New Page Rules load a new URL and set the value of the target input to the new page.
Second, as new data is sent from a scanner, the iScanBrowser acts on the list of Active Page Rules, applying every rule for that URL as appropriate.
Third, Specific criteria must be met for the Active Page Rule to be acted on, including:
- The URL must match the current web page (Active Page Rules URL field supports the “*” functionality to specify a URL template)
- The “Target Input” is found on the current page
- The “Only if Empty” value corresponds to the target input.
Forth, when a rule is triggered, the processing of the Web Form Rules list is interrupted.
Finally, Multiple Active Page Rules can be active simultaneously, but only one New Page Rule may be active. When no Active Page Rule is triggered, iScanBrowser can execute a New Page Rule (if one applies).
Edit Web Form Rules | Scanned Value is URL
You define the automation that happens when data is posted using Web Form Rules in iScanBrowser.
Set the current WFR to use the scan data as a URL, toggle the slider to the far right of the option labeled “Scanned value is URL.”
Web Form Rule | Limit by Device Type
First set the current WFR only to execute when a type of device is matched (in addition to the other conditions of the WFR), tap on the option labeled “Device type.”
Next select any combination of device types that you want this WFR to execute on (in addition to any other conditions of the WFR). To ignore a device type, leave it blank (no check mark).
Device Name Mask
Finally after you select “Device name mask” as a device type filter, navigate back to the WFR’s configuration page. You see “Device Name” beneath “Device type.” Fill in the blank with the wireless name of the device (or device type) you want this WFR to match.
iSB iOS Web Form Rule | Limit by Scan Values
First set the current WFR only to execute when a type of scan value is matched, tap on the option labeled “Scan values.”
Next select any combination of scan data types that you want this WFR to execute on (it must also match the other conditions of the rule). To ignore a scan value type, leave it blank (no check mark).
Set A Scan Value Delimiter
Finally set a scan delimiter you want the current WFR to match (in addition to the other conditions of the WFR), tap in the space after “Scan values delimiter” and enter the desired delimiter.
Web Form Rule | Select Target Input
You change the target input of the current WFR, using the option labeled “Target Input.”
- Focused input — Scan data is sent to the cursor location.
- Find by ID — Scan data is sent to an input field specified by ID.
- Find by name — Scan data is sent to an input field specified by name.
- JavaScript function — Where the scan data is sent is determined by (your) custom JavaScript function.
Select Target Input Additional Options
At the bottom of the WFR setup page, there are a handful of additional options.
- Only if empty — Scan data is posted to the input field ONLY if the field is empty.
- Call Form.Submit() — Simulates a call Form.Submit() after scan data is sent to an input field (an example application of this would be simulating tapping on Google’s search button).
- Append data — If the input field is NOT empty, the scan data will be appended to the existing data in the input field.
- Execute JS — iScanBrowser executes (your) custom JavaScript when this WFR is matched.
iScanBrowser iOS Manage Web Form Rules
Access and manage your Web From Rules. First navigate to iScanBrowser’s settings page by tapping on the gear icon located on the floating taskbar.
Then scroll down until you see the section labeled “WEB FORM RULES.”
Prioritize WFRs
To change the order in which iScanBrowser checks to see if a rule match conditions, press and hold on the three horizontal bars to the far right of the rule’s name and drag the rule to rearrange the order. Rules at the top of the list will be checked first.
Remove WFR
To remove a WFR, tap on the minus symbol to the left of the rule’s name. Then confirm that you want to delete the rule by tapping on “Delete.”
Disable a WFR
To disable a WFR, tap on it to view its configuration. Then, locate the option labeled “Rule is enabled” and toggle the slider to disable it (if it is already enabled).
Create a Web Form Rule
Creating a new WFR, first tap on “New Rule” (located at the top right-hand corner of the Web Form Rules page).
Next pick one of the three options:
- Use dialog
- Use wizard
- Use Cloud-In-Hand® Service
Note: Using Cloud-In-Hand® Service requires an account on the server to download WFRs.
Create a WFR | Use Dialog
Create a WFR Using the Dialog
To proceed to create the WFR with the dialog, select “Use dialog.”
Now select the Web Form Rule options for your automation.
Create a WFR | Use Wizard
First to create the WFR with the wizard, select “Use wizard.”
Second pick one of the posting methods for the WFR Wizard depending on your automation need.
- Post scan value to input on webpage. Use this for automation typical web page field where data will be posted.
- Scan value included as part of URL. Use this when automation has URL containing the posted value.
- Post scan value to document. Use this option when the webpage does not have any Input fields. For example for pages where users scan badge to sign-in.
Third iScanBrowser displays the webpage that was active when you started the New Rule.
Third tap on the input field of the web page where incoming data will be posted. Next you are prompted with WFR options. Tap Current input for the WFR to apply only to the field tapped above.
Then tap Only current page for the WFR to act only on the page of the field you tapped above.
Finally give the WFR a name, activate it, and save.
Web Form Rule | Settings
You access Web From Rule settings page using the gear icon (labeled Settings) at the bottom right corner of the view.
Setup a No-match Sound
Change the no-match sound (the sound iScanBrowser makes when a scan doesn’t match any active (enabled) rules), tap on the option labeled “No-Match Sound.”
Restore the Default WFRs (warning)
Restore the default Web Form Rule (make iSB as it was when newly installed – losing all changes made), tap on the option labeled “Restore default Web Form Rules.”
Note that you will not be able to restore any WFRs you delete (unless they are connected to your Cloud-In-Hand account), so proceed with caution.