This support article will walk you through unpairing your device from a Windows computer. The first section (Part A) provides instruction for unpairing with SerialMagic Professional on Windows (applies to all types of connections). The second section (Part B) provides instruction for unpairing from Windows Bluetooth Settings (applies to devices in paired with Bluetooth-HID (keyboard mode) and Bluetooth-SPP (SerialMagic).
Part A. UnPair from SerialMagic Professional
1. From SerialMagic Professional, click “Stop” to terminate your current connection.
2. Under “Connection Primary/Secondary,” select the connection associated with your Scanfob from the drop-down menu.
3. Click “Remove.”
4. SerialMagic will ask you to confirm, click “OK.”
5. If your Scanfob was connected via SPP Bluetooth, continue to the section in this document labeled “Unpair from Windows (Bluetooth SPP or HID).”
Part B. Unpair from Windows Bluetooth Settings
1. Click on the”Windows Start Menu” icon.
2. Click on the “Settings” icon.
3. Search for “Bluetooth Settings.”
4. Click on your Scanfob’s name.
5. Click on “Remove device.”
6. Windows will ask you to confirm that you want to unpair your device. Click “Yes.”