
How to Export iScanBrowser Bookmarks (Android)

This article shows you how to export or import your iScanBrowser bookmarks as a CSV file.

1. Open the sidebar menu by tapping on the hamburger icon (located at the top left of the screen) or by swiping from the left edge of the screen to the center of the screen.

iScanBrowser Android hamburger icon

2. Tap on Bookmarks Manager.

iScanBrowser Android sidebar bookmarks manager

3. Tap on the three vertical dots (located in the top right-hand corner of the screen).

iScanBrowser Android bookmarks manager

4. Select Export Bookmarks (CSV).

iScanBrowser Android bookmarks manager export bookmarks as CSV file

To import previously saved bookmarks, select Import Bookmarks (CSV) instead, then select your bookmarks CSV file from the iSB file explorer.

iScanBrowser Android bookmarks manager iSB file explorer