
How to Enable Device Filters for the Serial Device Manager

This support article will show you how to enable the Serial Device Manager’s device filter on Android. The Serial Device Manager is included in Mobile Grid, Mobile Attendance, SerialMagic Gears, and iScanBrowser and allows you to manage multiple Bluetooth connections, filter nearby Bluetooth devices and configure your Serialio Bluetooth scanner settings (not all models supported).

Where Is The Serial Device Manager?

You can access the Serial Device Manager in one of two ways; via the shortcut at the top of the app (see image below) or via the sidebar menu.

The Serial Device Manager Shortcut

Through the Sidebar Menu

1. Open the sidebar menu.

2. Tap on “Device Manager.”

Where Is the Device Filter?

You can access the device filter from within the Serial Device Manager’s “Add Device” view.

1. If you followed the sections above, you should be at the Serial Device Manager view. From here, tap on the plus sign icon to enter the “Add Device” view.

2. The Device Filter icon is located at the top right-hand corner of the “Add Device” view.

3. Tap on it to enable it and select the devices that you want to filter, then tap “OK.” Mark the checkbox next to the device types that you DO NOT want to filter.

How Can I Tell If The Device Filter Is Enabled?

If the Device Filter is enabled, it will look like the filter without the “X” symbol.

If the Device Filter is disabled, it will have an “X” over the filter symbol.