To configure the Scanfob® Ultra-BB2 you will need the following items:
- The Scanfob® Ultra-BB2 UHF RFID scanner
- The provided USB cable
- A Windows PC
- A copy of SerialMagic Professional installed
Add the Scanfob® Ultra-BB2
Once you have all the necessary components, plug the Scanfob® Ultra-BB2 into your Windows PC using the USB cable then open SerialMagic Professional.
If you have never used SerialMagic Professional before, you will be prompted with the device wizard.
If you do not see this screen, but rather the main SerialMagic Professional window, click the Add button to access the wizard.
Once inside the wizard, choose Cabled connection as the connection type and choose the Scanfob® Ultra-BB2 as the device type and click Next.

Select the COM port that your scanner was assigned when you plugged it in and click Next.

Select how the scanner will be used. Since we are only using SerialMagic Professional for configuration of the scanner, “Like a keyboard…” is acceptable. Once the method is chosen, click Next.

Configure the RFID settings. This includes whether the scanner will be in constant read mode (always scanning for a tag in range when enabled; requires you to press the button to read tag when disabled) and the tag type to be read (check with your tag vendor if you are not sure of your tag type). Select the appropriate options and click Next.

All basic configuration is completed at this point. Click Finish.

You will see an overview of the connection settings. Click OK.
Configure the Scanfob® Ultra-BB2
Now that the scanner has been added we can complete the configuration. Click Start in SerialMagic Professional.

You should see a popup that the scanner is being set up, followed by confirmation of a successful setup. You can either click OK or wait a few seconds for the message to timeout and disappear on its own.
Click Tools > Scanner Settings.
From here you can select if the beeper volume is enabled/disabled, what Bluetooth mode is used (SPP, HID, or MFi depending on the scanner model), set the Bluetooth timeout (in minutes), and change the tag type and constant read mode options seen earlier. If you are using HID as the Bluetooth mode, you can choose to enable/disable the iOS on-screen keyboard toggle. Once your settings have been selected, click Apply. Congratulations! Your Scanfob® Ultra-BB2 is now configured and ready for use.