This article is part of a series of support guides for our customers using Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Attendance for IEEE PES. Here, our team at Serialio demonstrates how to use the Event Validation feature of Mobile Attendance for Android.
This article assumes the following:
- Your databases are up-to-date and uploaded to your Cloud-In-Hand® account.
- You have the Mobile Attendance application for Android installed.
- You are logged into the Mobile Attendance application.
- You’ve already paired with an RFID or barcode readers.
- You’ve already associated the attendees with the appropriate NFC tags.
Prepare for Event Validation
1. From within the Mobile Attendance application, tap on Event Validation (located on the sidebar menu).
2. Tap on the database icon to select an event.
3. Then, select the event database.
4. Tap on the event to validate it. You’ll see the event name in green beneath the database name afterward.
5. Tap on PROCEED.
Check-in Event Attendees
Now you are ready to begin checking-in event attendees!
When an attendee checks into the event, Mobile Attendance validates the attendee to make sure they are on the roster.
If the event has a lunch option, you will be able to see each attendee’s lunch choice as they check-in