
Write NDEF Using iPhone Built-In NFC and iPad & idChamp NF4 Writer/Reader

iPhone Built-In NFC - What it reads

Starting with iPhone-11 and iOS 13, iPhone built-in NFC supports reading and writing many types of NFC tags.

Some example NFC tag types are ISO-14443A1,2,3 tags like NXP NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216, Mifare Classic EV1, Mifare Ultralight (aka Mifare UL), Mifare DESFire, Mifare Plus-SE, Mifare Plus-S, Mifare Plus-X, my-d move – SLE66R01P, FM11RF08,  ISO-14443B4 tags like AT88RF020, SR176, SRIX512, SRIX4K, and Sony FeliCa4 tags, and ISO-15693 tags like ICODE SLI, SLI-X, SLI-X2, Tag-It HF-I Plus.

iPhone Built-In NFC - What it won't read

The iPhone built-in NFC reader does NOT read many tag types. For example 125kHz tags like PROX that are common for apartments’ and business (employ badges). iPhone built-in NFC reader will NOT read secure tags/badges like iClass/Seos. These are common for many business, and student IDs. iPhone built-in NFC reader will NOT read PACs data. Many iClass/Seos badges have the credential store in PACs data field. iPhone built-in NFC reader may read the CSN (aka TID (tag ID) aka CID card ID) on such a badge but this is not where the credential is stored.

How To Use NFC Tags With iPhone/iPad

NFC Read Write iOS app writes NDEF5 to all the NFC tag types above: tags, badges, wristbands, keyfobs, cups, plates, PPE6, etc.

Store URL/URI, Plain TEXT, Phone number, SMS, GEO Location, Email, Application, Business Card, and more.

Also write RAW data (not formatted like NDEF) for custom NFC applications with increased security.

Use NFC tags to quicky connect wireless devices to the iPhone via NFC. The picture below shows an example of connecting DEX interface devices to iPhone via NFC. Click here for the video.

use iphone nfc to connect wireless bluetooth devices to iPhone

Other iPhone/iPad NFC Details

Also write RAW data (not formatted like NDEF).

Note: video below shows Android Galaxy phone writing NDEF using idChamp® brand NF4 writer/reader, this also works with iPad and iPod Touch devices in place of the Android phone using app like iScanBrowser, Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid, SerialMagic Keys.

Contact for more information and to purchase NFC-RFID tags, inlays, wireless readers, software applications

1,2,3,4 NFC Forum Tag Type 1,2,3,4

5NFC Data Exchange Format

6Personal protection equipment