
idChamp® MT8 Android 8-in Tablet Built-in UHF RFID, 2D Barcode, & NFC

Cloud-In-Hand® Solutions Platform supports idChamp® MT8 Android 8-inch tablet with built-in UHF RFID, 2D Barcode, & NFC readers.

Attendance: Sign in and out of meetings, monitor training sessions, and know who’s on site day-to-day.

Time Tracking: Automate employee clock-in, store digital records, and simplify payroll, compliance, and auditing.

Headcount: Create virtual stations for employees to check-in during emergencies.

Open Check-In: Continuously track employee scans at site entry points

Open Check-In/Check-Out: Track “check-in” and “check-out” scans at entry/exit points

Checkpoint: Track check-in/out at defined events for all employees or assigned groups

Self Check-In: Create unmanned kiosks for employees to self-select events