
Ridership RFID | No Integration Needed

Ridership RFID | Capture Ridership Without Integration

First you want to capture RFID ridership for your vehicles. Second you use a route management app showing drivers routes and this app runs in foreground on the Android vehicle tablet. Third you don’t want to deal with app integration of route management app and app collecting RFID reads as riders enter the vehicle.

Vehicle Tablet MGAP Setup

First install and launch Cloud-In-Hand® Mobile Grid Android app. Next enter your account information in the app settings.

Ridership RFID Android Cloud In Hand Mobile Grid Cloud Account Settings

Third open Menu > Settings > Action Profiles Settings

Ridership Android Mobile Grid Menu Action Profile Settings

Finally tap GET PROFILES LIST, you see 3 profiles, then tap “Use Action Profiles”, and “Allow multiple assignments”.

Ridership RFID Android MGAP Manager Setup Capture Rider RFID

Now tap Mobile Grid app back arrow twice to return to the main app view.

Ridership RFID Vehicle Driver Badge Setup

First connect the idChamp Smart Card Badge Reader to the Mobile Grid app using the Serial Device Manager (SDM). Tap the SDM icon or use Menu > Device Manager.

Cloud-In-Hand Mobile Grid Android SDM icon

Second tap on the idChamp RFID-NFC Badge Reader under “Paired and Known Devices” or “New Discovered Devices” to connect. This Ridership RFID example uses the idChamp NF4x RFID-NFC Badge Reader.

Ridership RFID Android Serial Device Manager SDM NF4x Connect

Next when it’s the first connection, and there is no Vehicle Badge ID stored in the app, you will see prompt to scan the Vehicle Badge ID value.

Ridership RFID Android SDM MGAP Prompt Vehicle Badge

Finally scan the badge that is assigned to the vehicle, this badge is scanned by the driver as needed according to your business rules. You see the vehicle badge according to your MGAP specification, e.g. the scan is prefixed by the word “Vehicle”.

You change the vehicle badge if needed, by tapping the MGAP connect icon on the main Mobile Grid app view. 

Ridership RFID MGAP Connect Icon

Automate Mobile Grid App Settings

First open Menu > Settings > “Run As Service” and enable this option, then tap Quit, and start Mobile Grid app again.

Ridership RFID Mobile Grid Android Run As Service

You must do this so Android OS does not shut down the Ridership RFID app as it runs in the background. Next in App Settings enable options “Launch after boot”, and “Connect on launch”. This automates the startup when the ridership driver tablet is started each day. 

Ridership RFID Mobile Grid app Settings Launch after boot

Finally open the SDM and enable “Auto connect last devices”, the app always looks to reconnect to the last scanner used.

Ridership Mobile Grid SDM Auto connect last devices

Ridership RFID Background Badge Scan Collection

First your driver open the route management app, scans the vehicle badge, then begins the route. Next riders enter the bus and tap their badge to the idChamp RFID Badge Reader. Rider badge scans are recorded in the grid. Finally all vehicle and rider scans is uploaded according to the Mobile Grid app settings. For example at the end of each day at the time set.

Use wireless and cabled readers, pick what works best for your organization.

Contact to discuss your company Ridership RFID rider accounting needs.