
SerialMagic Pro API Overview For Windows

This page outlines the SerialMagic engine API interface on Windows.

On Windows, the SerialMagic API is provided via an event-based interface. This information is provided without support.

The example project builds the “DirectDataTest” application which is designed to work with SerialMagic Professional and later. To test the API first run SerialMagic Professional or later, then in the Application Settings dialog enable the “Post Direct Data” option.

When DirectDataTest is running

ensure that SerialMagic Professional is running, then tap the DirectDataTest “Register” button and it should register to receive scan events (or data packets) from SerialMagic Professional 


Then when data is scanned DirectDataTest should get an event with the data 


SerialMagic API example project and source files for Windows CPP.

SerialMagic API example project and source files for Windows VB.NET.

SerialMagic API example project and source files for Windows C#