
How to setup the WiSnap RS-232 adapter

Select A Terminal Application

Before we begin, it’s important that you make sure that you have a compatible terminal emulator installed on your computer. Here, at Serialio, we often use our product, JavaTerm. There are also a myriad of different terminal emulators (for Mac and Windows) that will do just fine. If you don’t know where to start,  we recommend YAT (Yet Another Terminal) for Windows and zTerm for Mac.

Configure The Terminal 

As many of you likely know, serial devices and the respective application/hardware used to communicate with them must be configured to use the same serial communication settings. Because of this, we must make sure that the terminal emulator we use is configured to match the WiSnap’s default serial communication settings. The table below shows the WiSnap’s default configuration.

Baud Rate9600
Data Bits8
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None

Configure the WiSnap Adapter

Once you have your terminal emulator configured, you’re ready to setup your WiSnap adapter.

1. Power on the WiSnap adapter and plug it into your PC via an RS-232 to USB adapter cable [link to product].

2. When you plug the RS-232 to USB cable into your PC, Windows will assign a COM port number to the new USB connection. Use this COM port number to establish a connection to the WiSnap through the terminal emulator.

3. Once you have successfully established a connection to the WiSnap via the terminal, type $$$ into the terminal and press the ENTER key. This puts the WiSnap into command (CMD) mode. CMD mode allows you to configure the WiSnap for your unique use case or the environment.  After issuing the CMD command, you’ll notice that the green LED on the WiSnap started to blink faster. 

5. Now the WiSnap is in CMD mode, refer to the WiSnap Command Reference & User Guide to configure the WiSnap’s serial, network, and other settings. Afterward, make sure to restart the WiSnap by issuing the r,1 (restart) command to save the new configuration settings.