
How to Manage Attendance Sessions from the Cloud-In-Hand Web Portal

Navigate to the Session Management page

1. Log into your Cloud-In-Hand admin account.

2. From the main menu (right-hand side), click on attendee report

This is where you can access session settings, start new sessions, close current sessions, and view previous sessions.

Start a new session 

To start a new session manually, name the session.

Then, click Start new session.

Close a current session 

To close a current session, click on the Close button (located in the third column next to the session start date).

Manage a current session 

To view a session, click on the session name. In this case, the session name is “Test Class 2.”

This takes you to the page for that session. Here you can view information about the session as well as perform various tasks related to that session, such as set the session name or end the session.

Group accounts uploads 

Expand the section labeled Group accounts uploads to view which user groups are involved in the session.

Accounts sending attendee reports 

Expand the section labeled Accounts sending attendee reports to view which user accounts contributed to the session.

Manage displayed columns 

Click on Manage displayed columns to select which columns are displayed for the session. 

Manage old sessions 

To manage old sessions, click on Manage old sessions.

This takes you to a page where you can view information for any previous sessions (such as the session name, database, and date), as well as delete or restore them.

Manage session settings 

To access session settings, scroll down to the section labeled Section settings, then click on the plus icon to the far-right of the section to expand it.

Once expanded, you’ll see the various options for session settings. Click on the i box to the right of the setting name to learn more about what it does.