
Configure software Access Point (AP) mode on WiSnap adapters

To configure the WiSnap adapter for software access point mode follow the below steps:

1. Connect the WiSnap adapter to your PC using a USB-RS232 cable.

2. Configure your terminal application (PuTTY, TeraTerm, etc.) with the settings:

  • 9600 baud
  • 8 data bits
  • 1 stop bit
  • no parity
  • no flow control

3. Start the terminal application.

4. Type the following commands followed by a carriage return (enter key):

  • $$$ – should see a CMD response and the green LED will begin blinking quickly
  • set wlanssid – sets the SSID of the WiSnap when in AP mode
  • set wlan chan 0 – sets WiSnap to scan all wireless channels
  • set wlan join 7 – sets software AP mode
  • set ipdhcp 4 – enables the DHCP server on the WiSnap adapter
  • set ip address – sets the IP address of the WiSnap adapter
  • set ip net – sets the subnet mask
  • set ip gateway – sets the gateway address
  • set wlan phrase – OPTIONAL; sets WPA passphrase
  • set wlan key – OPTIONAL; sets WEP passkey
  • save – saves the settings
  • reboot – reboots the WiSnap adapter with the new configuration