A recent addition was made to our security department, using the KDC200 mobile wireless laser barcode scanner with Grid-In-Hand® Mobile Grid software. This has taken our security department to a new level of patrol quality and performance. Our security personnel are required to perform 17 preventative maintenance tasks and safety Inspections throughout the work week along with their directed patrol duties. This was beginning to become a very tedious record keeping process and time-consuming work process when having to carry a clipboard with you everywhere you go. We have now bar coded each of the 17 PM’s and are now working at a far more proficient level and with secure mobile data upload we are able to increase the supervisors efficiencies as well. The estimated work-related cost savings for our department is approximately $6,000 dollars per year in record keeping and employee labor. We are proud to be Serialio.com customers. I recommend this equipment and software to all security professionals