
Setup Scanfob BB2e to Pair with Windows 10

This article is only for history purposes. SSP feature of Scanfob is not valid for devices sold since 2018.

This article demonstrates how to use yACK FAST for Android to set up the Scanfob (Ultra-RE40e or NFC-BB2e) to connect to Windows 10. Due to how Windows 10 Bluetooth pairing works, you cannot pair with the Scanfob BB2e without changing the “bl e e” setting from 0 to 1. Please note, that this process doesn’t work for Windows 7 nor earlier versions of Windows.

To follow through with this tutorial, you will need:

Follow the steps below to enable wireless SSP (secure simple pairing) 

1. Launch yACK FAST on your preferred mobile device (iOS or Android). Here, we are using yACK FAST for Android.

2. Power on the Scanfob BB2e by holding down the power button for ~2 seconds.

3. Connect to the Scanfob BB2e through yACK FAST by tapping on the “Select device” button, then the wireless name of the BB2e scanner.

yACK BLE for Android - select device button

4. Switch from “Strm” mode to “RCmd” mode by tapping on the button labeled “Strm.”

yACK BLE for Android - stream mode
yACK BLE for Android - command mode

5. Send the command:

set bl e e 1
yACK BLE for Android - command input

Note that the Scanfob BB2e will not return anything after you send the command. This is normal.

6. Disconnect yACK BLE from the Scanfob BB2e by tapping on the green bar with the BlueSnap’s MAC address and friendly name at the top of the screen (but keep the BlueSnap Smart powered on).

7. Reconnect the BlueSnap Smart to yACK BLE and repeat step 4.

yACK BLE for Android - select BLE device - Scanfob NFC-BB2e

Note that this time you connect to the Scanfob BB2e, you’ll receive a pairing request. This is normal and it means that the “set bl e e 1” command was successful. You will now receive a pairing prompt each time you connect to the Scanfob BB2e on any device (e.g., Android, iOS, Windows).

Android Bluetooth pairing prompt - Scanfob NFC-BB2e

8. Send the command:


The BlueSnap Smart will respond with a “Success” message.

9. Disconnect yACK BLE from the BB2e and power cycle the BB2e (hold down the center button for ~ 2 seconds to power off, then ~ 2 more seconds to power back on).

10. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

11. Send the command:

get bl ee

12. Make sure that the returned value is 1.

yACK BLE for Android - BLE check

Now you can pair the BB2e to Windows 10 and connect to applications like SerialMagic Professional for Windows.