iPhone 5 vs iPhone 13? Why do you use iPhone 5, when you can use iPhone 13, 14, 15…?
First you see here, how the iPhone 5 after 10 years is still powerful and effective. Secondly, the starting price for iPhone 5S at the time of this post was $30 USD. This means you can have an exceptionally economical solution. Thirdly, you use old technology and it’s superior? Yes! Consider how much smaller the iPhone5S is than an iPhone 13, 14, 15. When you need a small phone, why use a big one that costs more than 20 times more?
Time and Attendance iPhone5 Check-in
You have all the options you’re familiar with using the iPhone5. Cloud-In-Hand® stratus-io Time & Attendance works fast, and you can see attendee picture, just like you do on newer iPhones.
idChamp-NF4x SDM on iPhone 5
You have all the SDM (Serial Device Manager) options you expect on stratus-io Time & Attendance app. You use PAC wizard to set the value you want to read from card, including FAC as needed. You also enable/restrict all the RFID-NFC badge types as you need.
idChamp® Brand NF4x RFID-NFC Reader Writer
idChamp® Brand NF4x RFID-NFC Reader Writer is a unique reader, unmatched in it’s flexibility and connectivity to many platforms. Read every employee every badge type may need including Seos, iClass, Prox, and more. iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, all supported.
Contact us today to discuss your time and attendance needs with a team that’s been providing solutions since the last century.